Making Space for Every Body-Mind: Sharing Vulnerability, Building Community

Aug 4, 2024

In this episode of Making Space for Every Body-Mind, Pastors Sarah and Colleen are joined by Dr. Teresa Milbrodt. As a member of the disability community and an educator, Teresa helps others grow their awareness and understanding of the lived experiences of others. This conversation will introduce some of the key terms within the field of disability studies and also empower our collective imagination for a world where all can share their gifts. 

All Places Together (APT) is a non-geographic community, based in Virginia. APT seeks to gather individuals who are searching for God in the wilderness of life, individuals who deeply want to connect to something beyond themselves, and individuals who believe the love of Jesus is embodied in all of God’s diverse creation.

Thank you to our Mission partners: Virginia Synod ( and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (

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